Wednesday 10 August 2011

Party day

Yesterday was A's last day in my care, so we decided that the least A deserved was a (pink) farewell party.

The children made pink fairy cakes (that came out of the oven dark brown as they were left in for slightly too long - bad me!)  When the cakes were cool they then decorated them with pink icing and lots of sprinkles - quite a lot was eaten along the way and it got very sticky!

We had a lovely picnic in the garden (A chose the menu!) followed by party games (pass the parcel, musical bumps, the best jumper (as in who could jump the best rather than whose sweater was the nicest!) and pin the crown on the fairy - each child made their own crown for the fairy.  The children each had a pot of bubbles to blow.

A received some gifts and cards, and a special book with photographs and anecdotes from her time with me, that I hope that she will treasure in years to come.

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