Monday 8 August 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

I have been a bit lax of late, as I have been busy on other another project for a special little someone (to be revealed soon!), apologies for not sharing our adventures from last week with you earlier!

On Wednesday we had one of the best days out of the holidays so far, and it was also one of the most simplest of days - we went to the beach!

The children (and myself) spent the day digging in the sand, rolling in the sand, throwing sand (which was not condoned at all but generated HUGE belly laughs from M!), and generally just having fun!  

We walked down to the sea but did not venture in as it looked too cold (how can something look cold?!)

Everyone enjoyed a lovely picnic followed by an even lovelier ice cream!  Days just don't get much better than this!

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