Monday 15 August 2011

Crocky Trail

 I have been to the Crocky Trail quite a few times before, and I always said I wouldn't take childminding children due to the risks involved.  However, as Phil was on holiday from work and was coming out with us for the day, and I only had J in my care, I decided a 1:1 ratio made it as safe as anywhere else (almost!)

Initially Albie and J were a bit shocked by all the screaming and sheer lunacy going on - however they soon got into the spirit of things!

Albie was quite adventurous when he had his Daddy at his side - he is normally a cautious little soul.  

J loved stomping around in the mud and puddles!  

Everyone (apart from me!) had fun sliding and climbing on the obstacles.

Phil and Blue tried to do a 360o turn in the wheel - Phil failed with a big thud, Blue almost made it!

We found some places to hide...

Phil discovered the sinking mud (notice J in the background upset cos Phil just fell thigh deep into the mud!)

We walked along streams and across bridges...

We walked through tunnels..

And when we had finished the trail we all had a scrummy ice cream treat!

Everyone had a lovely day out (despite Albie being stung by 2 wasps) - I stand by my original thoughts in that I wouldn't ordinarily take childminding children to the Crocky Trail, however if I am ever in the position to take 1 child again then I will definitely consider it.

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