Saturday 25 June 2011

New 'Playgroup' and Volcano eruption!

I was very sad on Wednesday to learn that Play Patch (our usual Friday haunt) has now been closed and is being sold in order to cut costs to the council, ultimately the land will be grassed over and all the lovely play areas and resources will be lost - what a waste.  However the childminder group have managed to secure the use of a playroom and garden at a local Children's Centre when it is not being used.  I was concerned that it could not live up to the wonderful Play Patch, happily I was wrong!  

Friday was our first day there and it was fantastic, the facilities are great.  The outdoor play area is much bigger than we are used to and has lots of areas to explore and lots of toys to play with.  We spent a short amount of time outside, then a toilet visit meant it was necessary to go inside.  The boys then discovered a fire station and fire engine, a car transporter and cars, and a bin wagon - it was boy heaven and there was no way after that point in time that they were going back outside!!!

I am hoping that I might be able to tempt the children outside for a slightly longer time in future visits, although I have a feeling it may involve the relocation of the fire engine, car transporter and bin wagon!

The children had painted the volcano earlier in the week, and after the paint dried I painted a layer of PVA glue to offer some protection.  Then after pre-school on Friday it was time for our experiment!  The children were fascinated by the volcano erupting, especially as the lava was red!  

I shall investigate more experiments for us to do in future weeks, though I may try them first following the complete disaster when we tried to make slime!

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