Tuesday 6 March 2012

Space Rocket

During the previous term, Albie and H have been learning about the stars and moon; in order to expand on this we made a space rocket so that the children could zoom up to the moon.  Luckily I had a HUGE piece of cardboard and a LOT of tin foil!  The children assisted in taping the foil to the cardboard, then the rocket was ready!  We did discuss adding embellishments to the rocket in the form of painting it, adding jewels, buttons, glitter etc.  The children chose not to do this - they wanted to play in it!!

Initially the rocket was used as a rocket - after that it became a prison, then it became a den, and it was always a great place to hide during hide and seek!

Alas the rocket is no more - it has zoomed off to the tip (there is only so long I can have a 5 foot tall tin foil covered piece of cardboard in the dining room before it drives me mad!) - but fear not, we have some more boxes to make other things out of soon!!

 On the following photos it looks like the children are attacking M, they aren't, they are tickling him - rest assured - I never allow the torture of small children in  my care!

I apologise for the quality of the photos - the children were far too excited to stand still and pose!

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