Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

The children have made some lovely Valentines crafts and gifts for their families....

The older children made hearts and wrote 'why I love you' messages to each of their family members.

They decorated jars with glitter glue and lots of glitter, put their hearts inside and sealed their 'Why I Love You' jars with a kiss for their special families.

The younger children made lovely handprint pictures for their families.

Last week J and M got very messy painting with credit cards!!  This was a new thing for us, I splurged some paint onto white card, and gave each of them a credit card.  I showed them how to scrape the paint around the paper and they had a good go, although after a while M gave up on the credit card and used his fingers instead, which prompted J to do the same.  Scraping the paint over the card produced a really pretty effect, and this is something we will definitely do again.

Today we turned the credit card paintings into valentines hearts.  I cut the heart shapes and Albie and J glued scrunched up tissue paper around the edges of the hearts, aren't they pretty?

H was off school today as it is half term, as such she became my assistant and supervised J and M in making these adorable valentine butterflies.  The children painted the cardboard tubes, then when they were dry they glued on wings, eyes and antennae.  Well done H on being a wonderful assistant, you did a great job!

Happy valentines day everyone!

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