Friday 20 July 2012

Strawberry picking

We harvested our first home grown strawberry yesterday, Albie was very excited, however we only ever get one ripe strawberry at a time - two if we are very lucky!  So I decided to take the children strawberry picking at the local fruit farm today, it turned out to be a lovely few hours outside, the children got to see actually where the strawberries are grown, they were reminded not to trample all over the plants, and how to spot nice, juicy and ripe strawberries ready for picking - and eating!

Before we had even glimpsed the fruit fields M fell over, literally face first into the biggest muddy puddle - is it wrong of me to admit that it was quite funny?! (disclaimer - no children were harmed during any of the strawberry farm activities!)

We all sampled a few of the strawberries while we were picking them - some ate much more than their fair share, but I won't tell!

When we got back home we made delicious smoothies using our hand picked and very fresh strawberries.

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