Saturday 30 June 2012

International Mud Day 2012

Friday was international mud day, and I was very excited!  The boys I look after all love the mud kitchen and play with it lots every time they are in the back garden.  I was determined that we would have lots more fun with mud.

First thing in the morning I gave each child a piece of paper and told them we were going to make mud pictures - I did not give them any other tools to make the pictures with, I left it entirely up to them.  Albie led the other children to the mud kitchen, he picked up a ladle full of mud and splatted it onto his paper.  J then copied this, smearing the mud all over the paper.  M stood watching them both, taking everything in, which isn't like him - he is usually the first into everything!

After M had watched the other children create their masterpieces he decided to join in - no mud kitchen utensils required here - mud and M's hands go very well together!

Albie added some water to his picture, however it washed all of the picture away, so he then resorted to stamping on the paper with his muddy wellington boot to create his picture.

Albie and J had enough of mud pictures and went to play inside, however M spent a little while longer stamping in the mud - little did he know what I had planned for after lunch!!!

Here are the children's muddy pictures - they are unique and quite different!

Later in the day we took a picnic to the back of the Flash - I had ran there earlier in the week so I knew it was a perfect spot for a bit of mud exploration!  After we had eaten it was time to go in search of mud - the children enjoyed their freedom, running about the country park pathways, stamping in little puddles and bits of mud - they were very excited and having lots of fun.

The children came across a large puddle - it stopped them in their tracks!  I went past them and then encouraged them to walk through the puddle.  True to form, M was first in, without a care in the world!  The other two were a little more cautious but soon followed.

We then came to a HUGE and VERY muddy puddle!  The children were very excited.  I told them that they could do what they wanted and to go! 

Albie and J were quite cautious, and walked through the puddle carefully.  M waded on in there, splashing water and mud everywhere and getting soaking wet through in the process - he laughed so much, it was hilarious!  Once Albie realised I was finding M's antics funny, he decided to join in too, and the two of them had an absolute ball, splashing about and trying to splash me as much as possible!  J was a little more reserved, although he did enjoy himself too!

At the end of our playtime, all four of us were exceptionally muddy - walking back to the car we attracted lots of comments from the passing cars who all thought it hilarious that we were all so filthy!  It was a fantastic muddy hour, one that I hope the children remember and repeat in the future, I fully intend to!

Thank you to J's and M's wonderful parents - you are very understanding allowing me to get your children so filthy, and I really appreciate it, and I am also sure that J and M do too!

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