Tuesday 8 May 2012

Caterpillars to butterflies

Over the Easter holidays the postman brought us a very exciting parcel - 5 tiny caterpillars!  We have watched the caterpillars grow into big fat caterpillars, seen them metamorphose into chrysalis, and then have seen 5 beautiful butterflies hatch.  

The children have all learnt about the lifecycle of a butterfly, we have learnt lots of new words, we have learnt to be gentle and quiet around the caterpillars and butterflies and we have made lovely related crafts.

Having the caterpillars and butterflies over the last few weeks has been very stimulating, interesting and enjoyable for the children - and myself!  This activity will most definitely be repeated each year as it is such a simple activity that everyone enjoys and which leads to so many learning opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. how wonderful, and what a great learning experience, we have our caterpillars arriving the beginning of June
